Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which the surgeon removes damaged or affected parts of the hip joint and replaces them with a prosthetic implant. It is often suggested as a last resort by hip surgeons after treating the patients with medicines, therapies and other measures without positive results.
Over the past many decades, hip replacement surgery has helped countless patients to overcome hip-related problems, eventually boosting their quality of life. Despite the success rate of hip replacement surgeries, several misunderstood facts are spread everywhere. This prevents patients from considering surgery as a treatment option to eliminate their hip pain & disability. If you are a resident of Delhi and have hip pain due to hip arthritis, seek the help of Hip Replacement Surgery Doctors in Delhi.
This article aims to provide you with the 7 most misunderstood facts about hip replacement surgery and why you should opt for it without any doubts.
What’s the Right Age for Surgery?
It is important to know that there is no right or wrong age for hip replacement surgery. People of any age can undergo hip replacement after assessment of their hip joint condition. In younger patients, damage to the hip joint can be caused by certain diseases such as avascular necrosis of femoral head, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
In addition, other conditions like acetabular fracture, which is the fracture of the socket of the hip joint, are the leading causes that may require a hip replacement. If you are someone whose hip joint is completely destroyed due to any of the above mentioned diseases then hip replacement surgery, irrespective of your age, is the best treatment for you.
In elderly people, hip arthritis and fracture neck of femur are some of the common reasons for hip replacement surgery. Even at old age, hip replacement surgery can be performed successfully after a careful medical check-up of the patient.
All Hip Replacement surgeries are the same !!
Just like no two humans are the same, no two hip replacement surgeries can be the same. At The Waleus Clinic, we choose implant after after thoroughly studying the bony anatomy of the individual patient’s body. Moreover, we use only US FDA approved implants for all our patients & these implants are placed in your body with great precision. Also, you will find that the most advanced surgical techniques are used to perform hip replacement surgery. Hip Replacement Surgery in Delhi at Waleus Clinic has the following advantages:
- Smaller Incisions
- Minimum damage to muscles around the hip joint
- Precise placement of the implants
- Equal leg length after surgery
- Minimum Blood Loss
- Patient Mobilisation with in 24 hours of Surgery

Additionally, at The Waleus Clinic, patients are encouraged to put full weight on their operated leg/legs on the same day of the hip replacement surgery. For people in their old age, a gradual increase of the weight on the operated leg is suggested. As far as the type of implant is concerned, metal on highly cross-linked polyethylene is used for old people above the age of 70 years, whereas ceramic and highly cross-linked polyethylene is used for our younger patients.
Life of Hip Replacement Implant is only 10-15 Years !!
This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood facts about hip replacement surgery. It is a common misconception that the life of a hip replacement surgery is only 10 to 15 years, and it is widely circulating on the internet too. However, the reality is different in 2022. The first hip replacement surgery was done in the year 1960. Since then, technology has transformed healthcare, and it has left its impact on hip replacement procedures too.
Today, high-quality modern implants are placed with great precision. According to experts, 80% of people have now hip implants that last 25 years and more. With the latest advancement in technologies, the life of hip replacements is set to increase to 35 to 40 years in the future.
Lot of Complications happen in Hip Replacement Surgery !!
There aren’t a lot of complications involved with hip replacement surgery. Instead, risk pf having complications is similar to any other planned orthopaedic surgery like a knee replacement surgery. Having said that, there are certain preventive steps which you can take to minimize the chances of complications. This includes maintaining the weight if you are unable to lose weight, quitting smoking & excessive alcohol consumption and doing exercise sessions with the help of physical therapists.
We minimise the complications by using tissue sparing advanced surgical techniques, using modern implants & by placing them in the best position for your body.
Pain in the Hip Joints is Inevitable in old age !!
Most often, people with pain in the hip joints think that pain is part and parcel of life and thus opt-out of hip replacement surgeries. Living a life with pain can be stressful, and it can drastically reduce the quality of life. This leads many people to undergo social isolation and diseases like depression.
Therefore, choosing ways to remove pain is a wise decision and this can be achieved by opting for hip replacement surgery. At The Waleus Clinic, you can find the most advanced hip replacement techniques being used for good long term outcome of hip replacement surgery.
It will take a Lot of Time to Start Moving after the Surgery !!
This is a completely misunderstood fact. At The Waleus Clinic, patients who have undergone hip replacement surgery are encouraged to start moving within a few hours of hip replacement surgery.
But it is important to note that it can vary from patient to patient. In many complex cases, the condition of the hip joint is found to be poor, and thus surgery may involve bone grafting and special implants for hip reconstruction. Such patients may require longer physiotherapy sessions as the implant will take some time to get integrated with your bones, and you can begin your normal lifestyle activities within few weeks or few months depending upon the complexity of the case.
Time for Sports and Fun is Over after Hip Replacement Surgery !!
One of the primary goals of hip replacement surgery is to enable painless mobility in affected patients. Thus, you can expect a near normal life post your hip replacement surgery.
Because of the tissue sparing techniques which we use for our patients, the hip joints after the surgery with us feel very close to a natural hip joint, and they can enjoy their life with minimum lifestyle restrictions. We allow most of our patients to sit on the floor, squat & sit cross legged. They can also engage in non-contact sports like golf, swimming, cycling & doubles lawn tennis, & other safe adventure activities and yes ladies can wear high heels after hip replacement surgery. In short, time for sports and fun isn’t over when you receive the right surgical treatment.
Now that you know the real facts about hip replacement surgery, do not live your life in pain. Instead, opt for hip replacement surgery with us. You can consult us at The Waleus Clinic, which is one of the most trusted Hip Replacement Clinics in Delhi.
Dr. Pankaj Walecha is one of the highly qualified, experienced and leading orthopaedic surgeons of Delhi who have successfully treated more than 3000 plus patients with hip & knee joint arthritis. For more details, regarding Total Hip Replacement Surgery in Delhi, appointments and the expenditure involved, you can contact us on the details given below.